Protect the Basin

Why Protect the Basin?


Our Mission

PROTECT THE BASIN is working in the public interest to protect the country and the Permian Basin from the threat of high-level nuclear waste.

As a registered nonprofit, we are lobbying for legislation that is a strict ban on consolidated interim storage of high level nuclear waste. We are also engaged in a legal action to prevent this Federal overreach.

Why We Care

Our country’s greatest sunsets are found in the Permian Basin: an area encompassing fifty-five counties spread across west Texas and south east New Mexico.

Here, ranching, farming, and oil and gas exploration have been our way of life. Our energy production is diversifying and is now home to wind farms and solar panels. We contribute to America’s economic and national security.


The Permian Basin

Nearly six million barrels of oil are produced DAILY in the Permian Basin region of the country. In addition to oil and gas production, the area has seen ranching for over a century, has vast agricultural activities, wind turbines and solar panels.

The region provides America with energy independence and has strengthened the economies of New Mexico, Texas and the United States. It would be economic malfeasance to introduce even the most minimal risk to the heart of America’s energy production.

In the Permian Basin, we’ve worked hard to earn our way of life. Our people, jobs and resources make America great.

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Let’s work together to protect the Permian Basin

Our country’s greatest sunsets are found in the Permian Basin, an area encompassing West Texas and southeast New Mexico. Here, ranching, farming and oil and gas exploration are our way of life.