Protect the Basin

Permian Basin Coalition Initiative

We are fighting the federal government’s risky plan to ship the nation’s radioactive waste cross-country for storage in the southwest.


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is allowing private companies to assume the Federal responsibility of dealing with America’s ever-growing stockpile of nuclear waste.

There are Two Plans underway:

First, the Feds want to allow private companies to transport spent nuclear fuel from old nuclear reactors to private storage sites that straddle the Texas-New Mexico border.

Second, the Feds want to change long-held regulations that govern radioactive waste disposal in order to rid themselves of stranded radioactive waste. If the Feds get their way, then the proposed regulatory changes would allow some of the nation’s most dangerous waste to also be sent SouthWest to one of those proposed storage sites along the Texas-New Mexico border. Except, instead of the current requirement that this deadly waste be buried deep underground, it would be shallow burial.

What is the Permian Basin and Why does it matter?

The two private storage sites are out, in the open, and in the middle of a region called the Permian Basin. This region is often referred to as America’s food, fuel, and fiber. Why? Because it produces more oil and gas than any other place in America. In fact, it is the third largest producer in the world. It also provides the country with cotton, beef, and other agricultural products.

Natural gas from the Permian Basin warms homes on the East Coast and fuels European nations. Without our natural gas, Europe would have to return to buying natural gas from Russia. Oil from the Basin fuels our lives, our cars, our planes and our economy. Cotton from this region supplies manufacturers of American military uniforms and clothes everyday Americans. The cattle and sheep that graze in the Permian Basin feed families across the country. Any interruption to the business of the Permian Basin would trigger a loss of over ten billion dollars per month to the nation’s economy and cause a domino effect at the gas pump, in manufacturing, and at the grocery store.

We are urging Congress to ACT NOW to intervene and STOP the rogue actions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Unless we act now, all Americans will be assuming the risks of this absurd plan.

Our Mission

Nothing on this scale has ever been attempted: to allow a private company to transport this amount of spent nuclear fuel, regularly, for at least forty years - across America’s cities and towns via rail and barge . . . all destined for America’s most important oil patch to sit there, out in the open, until the Federal government comes up with a solution for America’s nuclear waste problem.

What You Can Do


Contact your elected officials and ask them not to allow private companies to assume the Fed’s responsibility for high-level nuclear waste. Tell them not to allow the waste to be transported cross-country or stored in America’s oil fields.

New Mexico

US SENATOR MARTIN HEINRICH (NM): Ask Senator Heinrich to protect Americans from Federal overreach. CALL (202) 224-5521 OR EMAIL


US SENATOR JOHN CORNYN (TX): Call Senator Cornyn and Thank him for not allowing Texas to become a nuclear dump. CALL (202)-224-2934

US SENATOR TED CRUZ (TX): Call Senator Cruz and thank him for sponsoring legislation that bans the transport and storage of deadly nuclear waste. CALL (512) 916-5834

Ohio Waste

U.S. CONGRESSWOMAN MARCY KAPTUR (Ohio): Call Congresswoman Kaptur and tell her two dangerous nuclear incidents at Davis -Besse in Ohio are enough. Ask her to ban the private transport and storage of reactor waste. What we need is a permanent repository deep underground. CALL (202) 225-4146

Vermont Waste

SENATOR PAT LEAHY (VT): Tell Senator Leahy that the waste from the Vermont Yankee reactor (his home state) should be isolated deep underground. It should not be shipped across the country to enrich private storage companies. The communities along the rail lines and the State of Texas clearly do not want Vermont Yankee’s waste. CALL: (202) 224-4242

Two scenarios proposed for transport by barge

Maps of proposed routes for shipment via barge


How You Can Make a Difference


Contact Your Representatives

Your voice and your opinion matter!

Your local, state, and federal representatives are put in office to represent your concerns. It is up to each and every one of us to make our voices heard.

By taking the time to convey your concerns around the licensing of the Waste Control Specialist facility by Interim Storage Partners in Andrews, Texas and/or the Holtec International facility in Leah County, New Mexico, and following up, your message will have an impact.

Let your local, regional, and federal representatives know that your concerns regarding the cross-country transport and above-ground interim storage of the Nation’s high-level radioactive nuclear waste.

Sign the Petition

Stand with us. Oppose the cross-country transport and above-ground storage of the Nation’s high-level nuclear waste.

Our opposition is scientifically-backed and evidences concerns for the safety of our environment, health, communities, and economic activities.

To name a few:

  • Violation of Federal Law

  • Transportation risks

  • Aboveground Storage

  • Terrorism Risks

  • Presence of Groundwater & aquifers

  • Seismicity & Geologic Hazards

  • Socioeconomic Impact

  • Environmental Justice

  • No-Plan for Long-Term Solution

Learn More

Familiarize yourself with the importance of this issue by diving into our resources from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Department of Energy, and more to get up to speed on these pending licenses to transport the Nation’s high-level nuclear waste and why this issue will have a Nationwide impact for centuries to come.